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Hello, I'm

Md Emon Prodhan

Data Science Enthusiast

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I'm an undergraduate student majoring in Statistics at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. I'm committed to enhancing my statistical skills, delving into datasets to extract meaningful narratives, and contributing to the evolving world of analytical exploration.

In Progress


2020 - Present

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Statistics

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.


2018 - Present


Embracing a vagabond spirit, I navigate life's adventures with an easygoing and lazy approach, finding joy in the spontaneous and savoring moments of leisure.



Sylhet Region
13th National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad - 2022


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Poster Presentation:

Prodhan M.E., Altaf M.A.I., Pranta J.P. Raising Healthy Children: The Role of Maternal Education and Mass Media and ICT Access in Preventing Child Malnutrition. Poster presented at: International Seminar and StatFest 2023; March 2023; Department of Statistics, SUST, Sylhet.

Abstract: Child malnutrition is a serious public health issue, especially in developing and low-income nations, with Bangladesh being among those with the highest incidence rates. This study intends to investigate how access to ICT, mass media, and maternal education might help to lower child malnutrition in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019, a nationally representative survey of households with women and children under the age of five, provided the data for the study. The study's findings show a strong association between maternal education, access to mass media, and ICT and child malnutrition. Children of educated mothers were shown to have comparably reduced odds of being underweight, stunted, and wasted than children of illiterate mothers. Also, it was shown that children with mothers who had access to mass media and ICT had lower rates of stunting and overweight than children with mothers who had no access. The study highlights the importance of taking necessary steps to improve maternal education, access to the media, and ICT to create a better future for Bangladesh.

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